Today’s message is especially dedicated to all the runners that participated in the recent New York City Marathon, especially Todd Kovacs, who read “Game. Set. Life.”…hope it helped!

From The Quotable Runner

“To keep from decaying, to be a winner, the athlete must accept pain – not only accept it, but look for it, live with it, learn not to fear it.”
Dr. George Sheehan

“If I am beaten the next time I run, I do not mind. If you have a salad that is all one thing, all lettuce, it is not good. It has no flavor. So victory, always, would be flat. You must mix it with defeat to gain the flavor.”
Gerard Cote, four-time Boston Marathon champion in the 1940s

“My life is a gift to me from my Creator. What I do with my life is my gift back to the Creator.”
Billy Mills

“Sport is not about being wrapped up in cotton wool. Sport is about adapting to the unexpected and being able to modify plans at the last minute. Sport, like all life, is about taking risks.”
Sir Roger Bannister

“There are people who have no bodies, only heads. And many athletes have no heads, only bodies. A champion is a man who has trained his body and his mind, who has learned to conquer pain for his own purposes. A great athlete is at peace with himself and at peace with the world; he has fulfilled himself. He envies nobody. Wars are caused by people who have not fulfilled themselves.”
Coach Sam Dee in The Olympian

“Who are you? Who are you?”
Japanese official to Billy Mills after he won the 10,000 in Tokyo

“Have a dream, make a plan, go for it. You’ll get there, I promise.”
Zoe Koplowitz, Achilles Track Club member with multiple sclerosis, who required 24 hours on crutches but finished the 1993 New York City Marathon

Thanks for reading.

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