
By request, I am now offering a new one-of-a-kind service that you can take advantage of wherever you are in the world: Mental match analysis.

An average tennis match lasts 2 hours. Out of those 120 minutes, do you know how many minutes the ball is actually in play? 3o minutes, or only 25% of the time. So how/what are you doing for the 75% of the time during the “unseen” part of the match? So many people lose matches when the ball isn’t even in play!

Hence, Ed’s Mental Match Analysis was born!

People all over the world are talking about this exciting new service and I am anticipating a waiting list in the very near future.

If you are a player who crushes it in practice but can’t convert that to competition, this just may be the missing link.

Here are are the details:

-Send a video (set or match) to Ed and he will personally analyze your body language, attitude, effort, confidence, etc. and give you feedback on how to avoid specific pitfalls that hurt your performance and give you tips on how to get back to your winning ways

-Includes FREE 10 minute followup via phone, Skype or Google hangouts to review and answer questions

-Plus a copy of Ed’s audio program, “The Missing Link in the Mental Game”

-Introductory offer (for a limited time only): $100 for 1 set, $175 for 2 sets, $250 for 3 sets

-Email to sign up…spots are limited!


“Working with so many world-class players, I have seen a countless number of individuals fall short of their potential not because of their physical or technical abilities, but because of their mental game. This is the missing link for so many in achieving peak performance and Ed Tseng has the key. His simple but powerful approach to unlocking peak performance is a game changer.  He is a tremendous resource for me and my players.”

-Brett Hobden, Coach of pro tour players, elite juniors, and international speaker on the modern game

Here’s to your (mental) health,

Ed Tseng

Mental Performance Consultant

Best-Selling Author

Pro of the Year USTA NJ 2005

609.558.1077 or