Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Anthony Carter, Manager of the Parisi Speed School in Princeton.

The Parisi Speed School is the industry leader in performance enhancement for athletes. They look to create positive training experiences that improve speed of movement and strength of character. Athletes range from 7 years old all the way to the Pros, and the programs strive for two things: improved athletic performance, and, more importantly, a better feeling about themselves.

I spoke to Parisi-Princeton Manager, Anthony Carter yesterday after I gave a mini-seminar to their athletes. I was extremely excited because what I’m doing for the mind (and body), Parisi is doing for the body (and mind).

Mr. Carter, talked about plyometrics, placement of feet and arms while moving, your core and movement symmetry. Self-Esteem us also a big part of the program, which comes along with improvement in body movement and strength.

Athletes need to rely on specific Sport Knowledge, Skill and their Foundation. Parisi focuses on the Foundation, which includes speed, strength, balance, nutrition, self-confidence and injury prevention.

Being an athlete, tennis pro and peak performance expert, I was completely amazed by their programs. If you are an athlete in the Princeton area, I highly recommend Parisi.

It’s not just about training, it’s about training SMART. You could train 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, but that doesn’t guarantee that you are improving.

So don’t just train harder, train smarter. Gain balance…in your sport and in life. Thank you, Mr. Carter.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you could wind up someplace else.”
– Yogi Berra

Thanks for reading.

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