“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”

The quote above is from Renita Kalhorn’s In the Flow Coaching website. Kalhorn is a Julliard-trained classical pianist with a martial arts black belt and an MBA from INSEAD, one of the top international business schools.

Last night I attended Renita’s Autumn Adrenaline workshop in New York City.

The purpose of the workshop was to “Kick Your Life Into High Gear.” Many of the attendees were looking to improve in areas such as…

-Getting more done
-Getting unstuck
-Balancing time

Athletes have the same challenges. Goals are a critical component to success. Kalhorn says that goals keep her life “buzzing.”

According to Kalhorn, the three keys to success are Desire, Action and Energy.

-Find Your Why: Why are you pursuing this goal?
-Visualize: Vividly imagine in your mind yourself achieving this goal
-Feed Your Mind: Place positive images in your mind
-Ask Better Questions: Instead of asking “Why am I not succeeding,” ask instead, “Why am I so successful?”

-Think Small: Start small and gain some momentum
-Slip In The Back Way (Virtuous Cycle): Just get started, then you get into it
-Find a Balance Between Challenge and Ability: Hypo stress is when your ability is greater than your challenge. Hyper stress is when your challenge is greater than your ability. And Eustress (Ideal) is when challenge and ability are equal.

-Set Your Intention: Say something like, “Now I am going to…”
-Create Rituals: Develop good habits.
-Rest and Recover: Take a break every 90 minutes.

If this is new to you…Great, take some notes.

I already knew much of what was covered in the workshop, but I still got a lot out of it.


Because it’s not about doing something once or knowing what to do. It’s doing something consistently. And there are parts of my life that I am working on and last night’s workshop helped inspire me to take different action. Starting today. It was also nice to see someone conduct a workshop and learn new ways to do things.

I conduct similar workshops on my own, but it was still wonderful to participate, learn and stay motivated. I think I just got to another plateau.

Thanks Renita!

Thanks for reading.

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