

“I try and keep my strategy simple, I stay very intense during a match and completely focused. I never think about an opponent until the moment we play, and then my focus is on where to serve and how to hit cross-court and down the line. I try not to complicate my life by spending too much time analyzing a player in advance.”

That’s the secret.

The beauty of Sampras’ simple strategy is that when you focus on your strategy, it is impossible to think about all the negative things, like the last point you lost, or “What will happen if I lose?” We often are victims of paralysis by analysis.

Focus is critical, but make sure you focus on the right things – the things you can control.

And be like Pete.

Thanks for reading.


“Life is not a talent game-it’s a strategy game.”
-ROB GILBERT, Ph.D., Professor of Sports Psychology, Montclair State University

Today’s message is especially dedicated to all my loyal blog readers.

This is Message #600. Is this a big accomplishment? Some may say yes. While I am certainly excited that this is #600, by no means do I think that I have made it. Arthur Ashe said “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is more important than the outcome.” I am doing what I love and trying to make a difference; and I am definitely enjoying the journey.

One of the keys to success and mental toughness is that you can do anything with the right strategy. If you have seen me give a lecture, you know that I perform magic tricks, to prove this point. The strategies to my 600 messages were that I was committed to posting them every morning, I enjoyed doing them, and I did it whether I wanted to or not.

Focus on the process, not the product.

Click on the link below and see if you can figure out the strategy to this test given to 2nd graders in China. You have two minutes. Leave your comments.

Thanks for reading.


As a tennis player, the last thing you want to do is to be predictable. If your opponent knows what you’re going to do and what is coming to them, they will have it made. So change up your strategy, mix in some different spins, hit to different targets, and change up the pace of your shots.

If you’re a teacher, you can’t do the same lesson plan every day. Your students will lose interest. As a speaker, I vary my delivery, so I am unpredictable, and I keep my audience’s attention. If your favorite restaurant served the same thing over and over and over again, wouldn’t you get sick of it? That’s what specials are for.

Watch the video below on the unpredictable cat.