

Happy Birthday to Gina Sapnar Caldwell at the Jersey Shore and Tocoloshi Zim on the other side of the pond, in the UK.

There are two types of people in the world.

The Pits and the Cherries.

The Pits are people who are negative and bad influences on you, people who break you down.

Spit them out quickly.

The Cherries are people who are positive and good influences on you, people who build you up.

Spend time with them.

You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Choose wisely.

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Tocoloshi Zim in the UK.

How do you see yourself?

Do you think you are capable of becoming a great athlete, son/daughter, employee, musician, husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend?

Here’s a secret…

You can only get as high as your self-image.

If you think you are on the right track, and have the belief that you can do good things and attain greatness, you have the right mindset.

Let me explain it this way…

A new salesperson was given a one-hundred-square mile radius in which to sell tennis racquets. The first year, he generated $20,000 worth of business. The company was so pleased that they doubled the salesperson’s area the next year. But, the salesperson still only sold $20,000 worth of tennis racquets. The company was not happy, so they cut his area to half of its original size. That year the salesperson still sold $20,000 worth of racquets.

Why did this happen?

Because the salesperson had a $20,000-a-year self-concept, or self-image.

Sports, relationships, and school work the same way…

So you can only get as high as your self-image.

Remember, there are two types of people in the world. The two-percenters and the 98-percenters.

The two-percenters are all the successful people in the world.

The 98-percenters are everyone else.

The difference between the two is that the 98-percenters wait until they do something great, or win a tournament before they act like winners.

The two-percenters acted like winners before they ever won anything.

Act like the person you want to become and pretty soon you will become the person that you are acting like.

Thanks for reading.