

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

I just watched a great TED video with Dan Pink on motivation.

He talked about a software company who told their employees that they had 24 hours to work on anything…except for their current projects. It was called a FedEx Day because you had to deliver something overnight. This inspired creativity. They were doing something that mattered to them, and they were getting results.

This idea turned into “20% time” which is something that Google uses. Employees can use 20% of their time on anything.

And guess what?

About half of the new products that Google comes out with come from that 20% time.

What does this mean to you?

As a coach, as a teacher, as a student or employee, we should encourage creativity.

Think outside the box. There is not one way to do something, but instead, many options.

How can you get motivated? Ask yourself this question…

Are you motivated at work, in school, at practice and in relationships?

If the answer is no, think about how you can deliver something better, overnight.

Then do it.

Motivation is an action, not a feeling.

Thanks for reading.