

I often see athletes get angry after they strike out, or after they miss a shot. This happens all the time, at all levels, from beginner to professional.

But does this help them?


Why would you do something that won’t help you?

What is anger, anyway?

It’s a choice, isn’t it?

Anger is merely your reaction to a certain situation.

Can you control it?


Is it easy?

Not necessarily.

But it’s like anything else, with practice, it becomes easier.

So the next time you feel like getting angry, take a deep breath instead, and think about if you want to get angry, or if you want to stay focused and get back on track.


A common challenge in athletes is showing anger when performing poorly.

Does getting angry help?

Usually not. When you get angry, your muscles tighten up and your swing is no longer smooth and effortless. Think about some of your best performances. Weren’t you “just” doing it?

When you get angry, you take yourself out of the present moment.

Past Focus = Poor Performance

Future Focus = Poor Performance

Present Focus = Peak Performance

Take a few deep breaths and zoom in on excellence in the moment. This shot. This pitch. This phone call. This test. This conversation.

Nothing else matters right now. Be here. Be great.

A special Happy Birthday to tennis great, Debbie Schaeffer, owner of Mrs. G’s TV and Appliances in Lawrenceville.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to all the players out there who have anger management issues.

I once had a student who would often get angry at himself after losing a point. And by once, I mean, I “often” have students who get angry and negative during competition.

Negativity and anger are common challenges for competitive players, but here’s the good news…

This can be overcome with training (just like fixing your backhand).

What do you say to yourself after you lose a point?

“I can’t believe you missed that shot!”

“You stink!”

“What’s wrong with you?!?”

Let’s analyze this voice for a second…

Does this “inner coach” help you perform better?

Of course not. What if a real coach spoke like this to their player? Wouldn’t you find a new coach?

If this is an issue for you, you need to find a new “inner coach.”

This inner coach should say something like…

“No problem. How can I make an adjustment? Good, now let’s focus on the next point.”

“That point is in the past, let’s focus on the next one.”

“You’re still in control. Let’s go!”

What you say to yourself between points will determine how you play and what kind of results you get.

How do YOU want to play and what kind of results do YOU want to get?

Remember this secret formula: S + A = R (Situation plus Attitude equals Result).


“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.”