

Never let your fears stand in the way of your dreams.
-author unknown


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Josh Passchier in Corbondale, CO.

Have you ever had a dream so real that you woke up and thought that it actually happened? A friend of mine had such a vivid dream the other night that she was in her friend’s beautiful home. The next day, she thought to herself, “Wow, I would love to live in that house.” But then she remembered that it was just a dream and that house didn’t really exist. I’m sure you’ve had dreams where things seemed like they really happened.

See, your brain doesn’t know the difference between what you envision in your mind and what happens in real life.

Most of the successful athletes, businesspeople, performers and students use visualization or imagery to reach peak performance.

You can visualize what you want to accomplish, how you want to perform or who you want to become. When you do this, you increase the chances of it actually happening. Use all your senses and make it as realistic as possible.

So use the power of your mind to your advantage. Most successful people visualize who they want to be, before they actually become that person. You can do the same.

Don’t forget, book signing at Amalfi’s Restaurant in Lawrenceville, Monday, September 22nd, 7-9PM. Great food, music, Game. Set. Life. stickers, newspaper photographers and a special Game. Set. Life. drink…the tennis ball, created by the great Jennifer Downes. See you then!

Thanks for reading.