

Many times I work with an athlete on strategy. For example, I will tell a tennis player to come to net so he/she can finish off the point.

As a response, they often say, “But they might lob over my head!”

I tell them not to worry about it until it happens.

I know many business owners that don’t take risks because of the dreaded, “What if?”

Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t prepare for these situations. You should.

The bottom line is that you need to get out of your comfort zone.

You need to take risks.

You need to what you’ve never done so you can get the results that you’ve never gotten.




“In order to be a great champion, you have to believe that you are the best. And if you don’t – pretend that you are!”

Have you ever worried about a big match, an important test or a significant presentation?

Of course you have.

The two things that can make or break your performance are worry and fear.

But everyone worries. Tiger Woods gets nervous before every shot.

Muhammad Ali used to be scared to death before a fight.

Pete Sampras used to throw up in the locker room before the finals of Wimbledon.

So what’s the difference between Tiger, Ali, Pete, and you?

Tiger, Ali and Pete feel scared and nervous, but they don’t act scared and nervous. They walk on to the course, into ring or on to the court, confidently.

The rest of us act how we feel, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

The great athletes fake being confident and then they become confident.

You may not have the physical skills as the great ones, but you can have the same mindset and attitude as them…starting today.

Thanks for reading.


“A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers more than is necessary.”

Have you ever gotten so worried and stressed out about something and then it never actually happened?

We, as humans, tend to worry about the past and the future, but the past is already behind us and the future has yet to come.

The only thing we have control over is our present.

What we do on a daily basis creates our destiny.

What are you doing every day? Are you reacting to life, or are you creating your life?

What causes you pleasure? What causes you pain?

Things have to be important enough to you in order for you to take action.

Is making money important to you?
Is helping others important to you?
Is being the best athlete important to you?

Think about who you want to be in the future, and then stay in the present and make it happen.

Make a list. Check it twice. And get to work.

Thanks for reading.