Yesterday was my father’s birthday. Do you know who else had a birthday yesterday?

Dr. Seuss.

He’s the childrens book author, right?


Everyone can learn from his words.

Here are some great quotes…

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself, any direction you choose.

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.

Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So… get on your way.

And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.

Happy Belated Birthday, Dr. Seuss.

What’s YOUR favorite quote? Leave your comments below…


The key to mental toughness is staying in the present moment. Whenever we are not performing well, we are usually focused on either the past or the future, but the power is in the present. Below is a great excerpt from a great book…

The people who bother us most often reflect aspects of ourselves that we haven’t yet allowed into our present-moment awareness. These aspects reside in what psychologists refer to as the “shadow.” Pretending to be the people who bother us, and acting out those people’s worst qualities, is a powerful way to bring what’s in shadow to light.

The Practice:

Pick someone who really bugs you, who has a behavior so annoying that it makes you cringe. Now act out this person’s behavior. Don’t just make a timid attempt–exaggerate the quality until you can really feel it. Continue acting this way for at least a few minutes. When you’re done, investigate whether even a trace of this annoying quality exists in yourself. If so, are you willing to accept it? Keep in mind that complete acceptance is always the first step toward positive change.

(From “How Now” by Raphael Cushnir)


There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.
Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game. It’s easy.
Nothing you can make that can’t be made.
No one you can save that can’t be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time. It’s easy.

The Beatles are no different from you and me.

“There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.” It’s easy, just find successful people and do what they’re doing.

John, Paul, George and Ringo had a growth mindset, but they also knew the value of hard work.

In fact, in his book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell talks about how instead of playing one hour sets, once in a while in Liverpool, The Beatles went to Hamburg and played 7-8 hour sets seven days a week! Supposedly they were terrible on stage at first, but improved by putting in the time.

Everyone wants be an overnight success, but it takes ten years to become an overnight success…or 10,000 hours, according to Gladwell.

I know what you’re thinking, 10,000 hours is a long time!

I can help make it easier:

1. Instead of focusing on 10,000 hours, focus instead on one good hour…then do it 10,000 times.
2. Enjoy the process and those 10,000 hours will fly by.
3. Remember that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

Also from Outliers

“The emerging picture from such studies is that ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert–in anything. In study after study, of composers, basketball players, fiction writers, ice skaters, concert pianists, chess players, master criminals, and what have you, this number comes up again and again. … No one has yet found a case in which true world-class expertise was accomplished in less time. It seems that it takes the brain this long to assimilate all that it needs to know to achieve true mastery.”

There’s no short-cut…now get to work.

What are you trying to master? Leave your comments below…


In this video blog, Ed Tseng, Pro of the Year USTA 2005 and author of “Game. Set. Life.” shares a great story about “acting as if” and peak performance in sports and life.


It’s easier to act yourself into a way of feeling than it is to feel yourself into a way of acting.

Dr. Jim Loehr once watched hundreds of hours of videotape of professional tennis matches and noticed a difference between the champions and everybody else. The difference wasn’t talent or skills, but what they did in the 15-20 seconds between points.

“Champions like Chris Evert…kept their heads high even when they’d lost a point, maintaining a confident posture that telegraphed no big deal. Loehr nicknamed this ‘the matador walk’ after a Spanish matador told him, ‘The most important lesson in courage is physical, not mental. From the age of 12, I was taught to walk in a way that produces courage.’

The tennis champions like Evert would next concentrate their gazes on their rackets or touch the strings with their fingers and stroll toward the back court–focusing, avoiding distraction, relaxing, and effectively letting the past go. After this mini-meditation, they’d turn back toward the net, bounce on their toes, and visualize playing the next point.” (Source: Psychotherapy Networker; “Living on Purpose” by Katy Butler)

What’s the point?

How you act is how you are going to feel.

Act how you want to feel and you will feel the way you act.


If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten,
either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

My only question to you is…


If you’re a writer, write things that are worth reading. But if you’re not a writer, do things worth writing about.

I may not know you, but I know THIS about you…


1. You have unlimited potential.

2. All of the ability is already inside you (you just have to discover the strategy).

3. You can learn any skill, mental or physical.

4. You can’t win when you’re focused on winning.

5. You don’t have to be great at the start, but you need to start to be great.


So today is the only day that matters. Why?

Because you can only live one day at a time.

Make every day the most important day of your life.

Make every practice the most important practice of your life.

Make every competition the most important competition of your life.

If you do this, I’m sure you will be pleased with the results.

Go all out today!


It’s not what’s happening around you. It’s not what’s happening to you. What matters most is what’s happening inside you.

Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Steven Nakagama Magee in Millburn, NJ.


Think back to a “good day” in your sport. Visualize what went on before, during and after that peak performance. Re-create those feelings and actions.

Now go back to a “bad day” that you had. Visualize what went on before, during and after that poor performance. Re-create those feelings and actions.

Compare the two.

The difference is always in your head.

So what does this mean?

It means you have to be mindful of your self-talk during practice and competition.

Instead of breaking yourself down, build yourself up.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Lewis Howes.

Does your day determine your attitude or does your attitude determine your day?

Does how you play determine your attitude or does your attitude determine how you play?
-ED TSENG, author of “Game. Set. Life.” and Pro of the Year USTA 2005

True champions can do their best when they feel their worst. Anyone can perform well when they feel good.

But the great ones are able to perform well even when they don’t have their “A” game.

Will you act how you feel, or will you act like how you WANT to feel?

It’s your choice whether you act like a winner, or you act like a whiner.

If you practiced your sport today for ten hours, would you really wake up tomorrow morning a better athlete?


But do you know how you CAN instantly become better?

By having a winning mindset and by having a winning attitude.

I taught a boy yesterday in a group lesson. He seemed low energy and I asked him if he was tired; he said yes. I told him that it was okay to feel tired, but he didn’t have to ACT tired. He smiled, and said, “Okay.”

He then proceeded to increase his energy and ended up playing great the rest of the lesson.

You don’t have to be a talented, gifted or a world champion to have a winning attitude. Anyone can do it, it’s a choice.

Who has the best attitude that you know?


In 1938, Karoly Takacs of the Hungarian Army, was the top pistol shooter in the world. He was expected to win the gold in the 1940 Olympic Games scheduled for Tokyo.

Those expectations vanished one terrible day just months before the Olympics. While training with his army squad, a hand grenade exploded in Takacs’ right hand, and Takacs’ shooting hand was blown off.

Takacs spent a month in the hospital depressed at both the loss of his hand, and the end to his Olympic dream. At that point most people would have quit. And they would have probably spent the rest of their life feeling sorry for themselves. Most people would have quit but not Takacs. Takacs was a winner. Winners know that they can’t let circumstances keep them down. They understand that life is hard and that they can’t let life beat them down. Winners know in their heart that quitting is not an option.

Takacs did the unthinkable; he picked himself up, dusted himself off, and decided to learn how to shoot with his left hand! His reasoning was simple. He simply asked himself, “Why not?”

Instead of focusing on what he didn’t have – a world class right shooting hand, he decided to focus on what he did have – incredible mental toughness, and a healthy left hand that with time, could be developed to shoot like a champion.

For months Takacs practiced by himself. No one knew what he was doing. Maybe he didn’t want to subject himself to people who most certainly would have discouraged him from his rekindled dream.

In the spring of 1939 he showed up at the Hungarian National Pistol Shooting Championship. Other shooters approached Takacs to give him their condolences and to congratulate him on having the strength to come watch them shoot. They were surprised when he said, “I didn’t come to watch, I came to compete.” They were even more surprised when Takacs won!

The 1940 and 1944 Olympics were cancelled because of World War II. It looked like Takacs’ Olympic Dream would never have a chance to realize itself. But Takacs kept training and in 1944 he qualified for the London Olympics. At the age of 38, Takacs won the Gold Medal and set a new world record in pistol shooting. Four years later, Takacs won the Gold Medal again at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics. Takacs – a man with the mental toughness to bounce back from anything.

Winners in every field have a special trait that helps them become unstoppable. A special characteristic that allows them to survive major setbacks on the road to success. Winners recover QUICKLY. Bouncing back is not enough. Winners bounce back QUICKLY. They take their hit, they experience their setback, they have the wind taken out of their sails, but they immediately recover. Right away they FORCE themselves to look at the bright side of things – ANY bright side, and they say to themselves, “That’s OK. There is always a way. I will find a way.” They dust themselves off, and pick up where they left off.

The reason quick recovery is important is that if you recover quickly, you don’t lose your momentum and your drive. Takacs recovered in only one month. If he had wallowed in his misery, if he had stayed “under the circumstances,” if he had played the martyr, and felt sorry for himself much longer, he would have lost his mental edge – his “eye of the tiger” and he never would have been able to come back.

When a boxer gets knocked down, he has ten seconds to get back up. If he gets up in eleven seconds, he loses the fight. Remember that next time you get knocked down.

Takacs definitely had a right to feel sorry for himself. He had a right to stay depressed and to ask himself “Why me?” for the rest of his life. He had the right to act like a mediocre man.

Takacs could have let his terrible accident cause him to become permanently discouraged, to take up heavy drinking, to quit on life alltogether, and maybe even to end his own life. He could have acted like a loser.

But Takacs made the DECISION to dig deep inside and to find a solution. To pick himself up and to learn to shoot all over again. Winners always search for a solution. Losers always search for an escape.

Next time you get knocked down, DECIDE you will act like a winner. DECIDE to act like Takacs. Get up quickly, take action, and astound the world!

(By Ruben Gonzalez, three-time Olympian)


“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

So here I am entering my most enjoyable blog message.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy all of my blog messages, but today’s is especially delicious, I mean, enjoyable.

I’m sitting here at DeLorenzo’s Tomato Pies in Robbinsville, NJ. I have wireless internet (stolen from the sushi place next door), an outlet for my laptop and two amazing pies on the way (one 1/2 sweet peppers and onions, 1/2 garlic and one of the owner’s favorite, anchovies, garlic, no cheese…burnt).

Today was my day off, but I gave a mental coaching session and then taught a ladies doubles clinic. I love what I do and don’t mind putting in the hours.

Now I’m blogging during lunch at one of my favorite pizza places on the planet. Again, I don’t consider blogging, work.

Someone recently said that they were jealous of me because I love what I do.

Why can’t you?

I’m not saying to quit your job, but…

-Start doing more of what you love
-Start making a difference
-Think of creative ways you can monetize
-Enjoy the whole process

It’s Friday…are you happy the weekend is here?

I sure am, not because I’m NOT working, but because I AM working…

But for now, I’m off. Time to enjoy my pizza.

Make every day delicious!

Thank you, Sam Amico and DeLorenzo’s Tomato Pies!!

Talk to you tomorrow.