
MESSAGE #1337 LET GO #2…

Recently, I gave some advice to a young friend of mine, Madison (above). She had a test in school the next day and I told her to just relax while taking it and give it her all. Well, I saw Madison yesterday and asked her how her test went. Her response was, “I got a 100!”

We all want to achieve greatness, but the problem is we often put too much pressure on the results.

The best way to get the best results is…

Not worrying about the results!

Focus instead on staying loose and concentrating on the task at hand.

If you put the time in studying (or practicing), you are ready. Trust the work you put in, take a deep breath and go for it.

When you focus on HOW you can perform well, instead of IF you can perform well, your world changes. Your results change.

Too many people worry about what parents will think or what friends will think…if they perform poorly. This is a recipe for disaster. Don’t worry about the past or the future…the power is in the present. The best performers in the world from athletes to students to business owners, know the secret.

Relax and go all out!

One question at a time. One point at at time. One meeting at a time.

Gandhi put it best…

“Full effort is full victory.”

Thank you, Madison, for reminding me of this very important lesson and inspiring me to be better at everything that I do!


Today’s message is especially dedicated to my grandmother, Fung Shee Pan. Happy Belated 104th Birthday!

Whenever I speak to someone trying to reach peak performance at sports, work or school, I always ask them one question.

That question will determine whether they make the big leagues, become CEO or honor student.

And that question also applies to you. Here it is…

Are you going to go all-out or are you going to hold back?

Who do you want to be like?

Are you doing what they’re doing?

Now, don’t get me wrong, if you’re a professional baseball player, it’s a long season. But the secret is, go all out when you are practicing/competing and go all-out when you are resting.

If you want to make the major leagues, you can’t have a minor league approach.

Go all-out today!

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Amy Pertetua.

How are you doing?

Wait, let me explain – I don’t want to know how you’re feeling…

I want to know how you are doing…

in your sport

in your job

in your musical instrument

in your relationships.

You see, if you don’t know where you are, you can’t get to where you want to be. Most people in the world just go through the motions and see what life brings them. The successful people in the world create the life they want.

So how are you doing? Let me explain what I mean by way of a story.

There was once a little boy in a small town. One day the boy walked into the local grocery store and asked to use the phone. The manager let him, so he dialed a number and then spoke into the phone, “Hello, may I speak to Dr. Smith?”

“This is Dr. Smith,” the person on the other line responded.

“Dr. Smith, do you have someone to cut your lawn and tend to your flower bed?”

“Oh, yes, I already have someone doing those things for me.”

The boy said, “May I ask what kind of job that person is doing?”

“An excellent job, thank you,” was the reply.

“Okay, thank you for your time.”

So the little boy hung up the phone and began walking out the door when the manager of the store approached him.

“Young man, I like how you presented yourself on the phone and am impressed by your attitude. Let me offer you a job.”

“Thank you so very much, but I already have a job. I’m Dr. Smith’s boy – I was just checking in to see how I was doing.”

When was the last time you asked how you were doing?

Ask your coach.

Ask your boss.

Ask your romantic partner.

Don’t refrain from asking just because you might get an undesirable response. That’s the whole point! Getting feedback so you can get to the next level.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you could wind up someplace else.”
-Yogi Berra

Thanks for reading.