Message #144 Ideas…

Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Kim Smith in Brooklyn.

All great things originate from an idea. Just think about all the amazing things we have around us. We have electricity. We have televisions, computers, couches, sliced bread, shoes, and olive oil gelato at Otto in the City.

Yesterday afternoon around 1:30pm, I boarded the Norwegian Gem Cruise Ship in New York Harbor for a Cruise to Nowhere. Talk about a great idea. We walked onto the ship and it looked like we stepped into a hotel. They had a HUGE TV screen and people playing boxing on the Wii.

The ship had 10 restaurants, a bowling alley, casino, pool, fitness center, theater and more. The theme of the excursion was one night with 4 of the top chefs in NYC and John Legend performing. A cruise in itself is an amazing floating resort, but combine that with phenomenal food and a great musical performance and you’ve got a recipe for an unforgettable evening.

I know many of you dream. And many of you have ideas come into your head often.

But the question is…

Are you going to take ACTION?

If you have a passion for something and an idea that you truly want to make happen, you CAN do it, but you have to take ACTION. I can’t tell you how many ideas I’ve heard in my life and how few of them have actually been acted upon. If you’re waiting for the perfect time to start something, you’re in for a big surprise; that day will never come. You have to take action now.

So next time you have a great idea come into your head, figure out if that is part of your definite purpose in life and then take action. The best way to hit a target is to start shooting and then make the necessary adjustments.

“An ounce of action is worth a pound of theory.”

Thanks for reading.

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