Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Cameron Boyd.

Do you want to be better than the competition?

Do you want to get to the next level?

Do you want to be an expert in your field?

Here’s how you do it…

Cross-training. Mental and physical cross-training.

If you are an athlete, do some sport-specific exercises to improve your movement on the court or in the field. The more efficient you move the better you will perform in your specific sport.

You also need to cross-train your mind. So if you get nervous playing a match, give a talk in front of your class or to your co-workers. If you are in business, talk to people in other industries to get fresh ideas and think “outside the box.” The more you can perform under pressure situations and think creatively, the better results you will get.

“If you do what everyone else is doing, you’re going to get the same results as everyone else. If you go above and beyond, your results will be, as well.”

Thanks for reading.


Ed Tseng is now a trainer and peak performance consultant for CanDo Fitness & the Parisi Speed School in Princeton, NJ. Now serving tennis cross-training for performance and overall fitness, as well as mental training for students, athletes, coaches, business professionals…ANYONE looking to get the edge over the competition. So if you’re looking get more fit, mentally AND physically, stop by.

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