Message #157 How To INSTANTLY Become Better at What You Do

Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Eileen DeNobile.

Do you want to become better at whatever you do? Of course you do, but how long will it take for you to become the best in your field? It will take some time because skills take a while to develop.

I’m going to tell you how you can INSTANTLY become better at what you do…


Vitality is LIFE

Vitality is ENERGY

All you have to do is INCREASE your energy at whatever you are doing.

All you have to do is put more LIFE into what you are doing.

Most people at work and school and on the ball field have life and energy when they feel like it. That’s when they perform at their best. They LOOK like they are one of the best. They BECOME one of the best.

The problem is…what do they do when they don’t FEEL full of energy? How do they act when they don’t FEEL full of life?

Most people act according to how they are feeling.

There is only one difference between the champion and the loser on the field…

There is only one difference between the best employee at work and the worst…

There is only one difference between the best chef in town and the worst…

There is only one difference between the top student in class and the worst…

The great ones have more ENERGY and LIFE in them. They have vitality; and they have it when they feel like it LEAST.

So as you try to make ’08 GREAT, try to add some energy and life to what you are doing…you’ll be amazed at the results.

Thanks for reading.

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