Message # 88 All The Skills You Need…

This message is dedicated to all the people out there who think they “can’t do it.”

The easy part is developing the skills you need. The easy part is honing your skills and practicing.

The hard part is believing that you can attain peak performance. It doesn’t matter if you are a student, employee, owner, musician, athlete or chef, in order to become successful and get the most joy out of what you do, you have to first BELIEVE that you can do it. Believe that it is possible. Don’t be like everyone else and get confident or energized AFTER you reach success. Set your goals high and keep heading in that direction. Most people think about their past failures or “what if I can’t do it?”

When I started my company, Tennis Solutions, I was scared to death. I was going from a steady paycheck to potentially no paycheck. Many people feel that way. They don’t like to get out of their comfort zones. “It’s the start that stops most people.” But I knew I had the skills, so I decided to just focus on the positives and instead of thinking “what if I can’t?” I thought, “how can I?” And now, in the past eight months, I have done things that some people don’t do in their entire lives! It’s only going to get better. I am my own biggest fan. You need to be your biggest fan.

The truly successful people know that you need the confidence to perform well. Look at all those great athletes, they think that nobody is better than them. The confidence doesn’t have to be on the outside, but you at least need to feel it on the inside. You get what you focus on – stay positive no matter what. Believe in yourself, even when nobody else does.

Watch my video below with the great, Dr. Rob Gilbert.

Homework: Work on getting the belief first, then worry about the skills.

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