Time is the only thing that everyone has the same amount of. Some people have more money; some people have more cars and some people have more problems; but EVERYONE has 24 hours in a day.

We live in a society that is very fast paced so if we don’t consciously SLOW down and focus on the quality of things instead of the quantity, life will control us instead of living the life that we want.

Sometimes you have to say no. Sometimes you have to do less. Success is living the life you want, on your terms.

“Control your time. Don’t let it be done for you. If you are working off the in-box that is fed you, you are probably working on the priority of others.”

-Donald Rumsfeld

Homework: Sit down for 5 minutes today and ask yourself, “Is time FLYING by or am I ENJOYING every day? If I were to live life on MY terms, what would I spend more time doing? What would I spend less time doing? How can I focus more on quality versus quantity?”

Write these answers down then start to apply them to your life today. This exercise will help jump start your way to a successful future.

Thanks for reading.

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