Message #55 All You Need to Succeed…

Today’s message is dedicated to the great Priya and Jaya Nambiar.

Did you know that EVERYTHING you need to succeed is already right inside you? We, as human beings have unlimited potential, but most of us don’t believe we can achieve greatness. The truth of the matter is that we ALL can do anything we want, we just need to know HOW. We need to know the strategy. If we want to become a great magician, we just need to know a great magician’s strategy. If we want to become a great athlete, we just need to know the strategy for our specific sport. Does Rafael Nadal use a special racquet? No, you can buy the same racquet he uses in the store. So if you want to get to Nadal’s level, you have to know what steps he took to get there.

Life is truly a self-fulfilling prophesy…Believe anything is possible and it will be!

Homework: Think about something that you want to achieve but in the past thought wasn’t attainable. Find out the steps to get there and Just Do It!

2 replies
  1. vibrationaltennis
    vibrationaltennis says:

    I really like this site and how it encourages positive thinking! I am a very advanced tennis palyer that has played WTA Pro-Circuit Events as well an NCAA National Semi-Finalist and from my experience I can tell you it is about the art of allowing as opposed to goal setting. A lot of the times goal setting increases the negative reisistance a player hold because they can’t figure out HOW the results will come about or they take the action and they don’t get the desired results. But, allowing, on the other hand is just about finding a way to FEEL good as opposed to setting a goal or trying to take an action out of a place of lack. If you have ever taken an action form a plac of lack yu would know it usually produces more lack or amplifies the lack, instead, i find it helpful to just release any resisitance on the subject and let the answer flow into your experience and it will, everytime. If anyone wants to learn more about this watch the movie The Secret: You can watch it for free at:


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