Entries by admin

Message # 79 Cost/Benefit Analysis

This message is dedicated to the great Nicole Rossi. On or off the tennis court, you need to be aware of “red flags” that could affect your performance and life. If you have a pessimistic attitude, the benefit now is that you will have less disappointment, less risk, and less vulnerability. The cost is reduced […]

Message # 78 Stop Thinking So Much

Today’s message is dedicated to the amazing Drew Lessa in Philadelphia. One of the biggest problems people have is they think too much. Don’t get me wrong, thinking is good, but not when it affects your performance or enjoyment. Imagine this, you are at the end of your tennis practice, and you are tired. Your […]

Message # 77

This message is dedicated to the Jackson Liberty girls tennis team. Way to be “into it.” To laugh is to risk appearing the foolTo weep is to risk appearing sentimental.To reach out for another is to risk involvement.To expose feeling is to risk exposing your true self.To place your ideas, your dreams, before the crowd […]

Message # 76 Checklist For Winners

This message is especially dedicated to the great Tara O’Connor. Thanks for getting back in touch. Many people ask me what it takes to become a winner. Here are my thoughts… You are a winner if: -You take action regardless of how you feel-You act like a champion before you become a champion-You focus on […]

Message # 75 I’m a Poet and I Don’t Even Know It

This message is especially dedicated to the amazing Rick Tibbetts. Rick Tibbetts is a poetry writer in Princeton, New Jersey. I spoke to Rick last night and asked him what the secret was in writing poetry. The first thing he said was you have to be “into it.” He then said, “Here, let me write […]

Message # 74 Super Foods

This message is especially dedicated to the great Travis Spalding. Many people have been requesting another post on nutrition, so here it is… Here are my top foods that will help you reach peak performance, physically and mentally: Broccoli-Contains sulforaphane, indoles, folate, fiber, calcium, vitamin C, beta-carotene, lutein/zeaxanthin, vitamin K-An anticancer vegetable-Rich in fiber Blueberries-Contains […]

Message # 73 Damn Yankees

This message is especially dedicated to the great Joe Torre, manager of the New York Yankees. Hopefully, Joe will still be the manager next year. Ok, so I’ve had a full day to mourn for the loss of my Yankees. Did they play well? Not really. They never lost a game to the Indians during […]

Message # 72 I Know What You Want…

This post is especially dedicated to the late, great Mary Tseng. Without knowing many of you very well, or even at all, I know what you want out of life. YOU may not even know what it is you want, but I sure do. Is it good grades? A new car? A big house? Winning […]

Message # 71 MORE HOPE

This message is especially dedicated to the great Grace Ho. No matter what the difficulties, the trials, the disappointments, those who have risen to the top never lost hope. Hope gives us the promise of something good, despite the odds, something we can attain. Hope sets the mind in a positive vein, gives us something […]