Message #148 The BEST Gift of All…

Today’s message is dedicated to the great Jon Tatting in Minnesota.

On a day where everyone is going to return gifts in a sea of anarchy at the stores, here is a gift you WON’T want to return…My gift to you this holiday season…

It doesn’t matter what you do. It doesn’t matter what your conditions are. It doesn’t matter how much money you have. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is. It doesn’t matter if you wear the same clothes that your older sister wore when she was your age and you’re a boy.

What matters is this…

In order to live an extraordinary life, you need to have an extraordinary mindset.

That’s it! There might be others that are bigger, stronger, smarter and better looking than you, but WHO CARES?!@#

See, it’s not about you and them. It’s about you and YOU. Not everyone has gone through the same things as you and not everyone is at the same starting point, so it’s not fair to compare yourself with others. It’s just you and the old you.

“Your past doesn’t equal your future unless you live there.”

All change happens instantly. If you want to quick smoking, quit NOW! If you want to get in better shape, start eating better and exercising NOW!

Don’t wait until New Year’s to make the resolutions you want. Most people don’t stick with their resolutions anyway-Make a lifestyle change.

There is so much knowledge out there and many of us are looking for more. And what I have to say to that is…


Stop talking and planning so much and START TAKING ACTION!

Don’t wait until you FEEL like taking action to actually do something…it doesn’t work that way.

Can you develop muscle by just going to the gym once? No, you need to do it consistently.

Your “mental” muscles are the same way. You need to work them out by making the right decisions daily, and taking the correct actions, regardless of your feelings.

If you Talk, it’s a Dream
If you Plan, it’s Possible
If you Schedule, it’s REAL

We live in a society of “should”s and “try”s. If you do what everyone else does, you’ll become what everyone else IS.

Do not, I repeat, do NOT let yourself rationalize or negotiate with yourself; IE, “Oh, I’ll quit smoking tomorrow.” or “That can wait til later.”

See, those thoughts make you feel better and therefore make you procrastinate even more. What you need to say is, “THAT’S ENOUGH! I quit smoking! It’s disgusting, people don’t like it, it can cause cancer, it’s affecting my endurance, it makes my clothes stink…NEVER AGAIN!”

At the end of the day, only YOU will know if you won or lost. Only you know if you gave it your all today and made the right decisions. Only you know if you had the right mindset. Only YOU know if you were grateful for another day.

Tomorrow is not promised, enjoy today.

Now go start living the life you imagined.

Thanks for reading.

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